If you suspect that your pet has eaten a foreign body, it's important to act quickly. Here are the steps you should take:
Stay calm: Your pet can sense your emotions, so it's important to remain calm to avoid causing your pet any further distress.
Determine if your pet is in distress: Look for signs of distress such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or a lack of appetite. If your pet is showing any of these signs, call us immediately.
Contact us immediately and describe what has happened. They will be able to advise you on what to do next. If it it after-hours: call the office number, press #2 (contact the ER veterinarian on call), leave a detailed message, the veterinarian will call you shortly.
Follow your veterinarian's advice: Depending on the size and location of the foreign object, your veterinarian may recommend bringing your pet in for an examination, x-rays, or surgery.
When you pet needs Surgery:
Performing a foreign body surgery on a dog involves removing an object that the dog has ingested and is causing a blockage in the digestive tract. Here is a general outline of how the surgery is performed:
Pre-surgical preparation: The dog is typically placed under general anesthesia for the surgery. Before surgery, the veterinarian will perform a thorough physical examination, and may also take bloodwork and imaging tests (such as x-rays or ultrasound) to locate the foreign body.
Incision: The veterinarian will make an incision in the dog's abdomen to access the digestive tract.
Locate the foreign body: The veterinarian will carefully search the digestive tract for the foreign object.
Removal of the foreign body: Once the foreign body has been located, the veterinarian will carefully remove it from the digestive tract. If the object is too large or difficult to remove, the veterinarian may need to make additional incisions or use specialized surgical equipment.
Closure: Once the foreign body has been removed, the veterinarian will carefully close the incision in the dog's abdomen. The dog will be closely monitored during recovery to ensure that there are no complications.
It's important to note that foreign body surgery can be a complex and risky procedure, and is not always successful. In some cases, the object may have caused irreparable damage to the digestive tract, and the dog may require additional treatment or surgery. It's also important to take preventative measures to keep your dog from ingesting foreign objects, such as keeping hazardous materials out of reach and supervising your dog when they are chewing on toys or other objects.